Sage Mobile Payments

/Sage Mobile Payments
Sage Mobile Payments 2018-07-16T22:47:05+00:00

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Accept payments  on the go with Sage Mobile Payments 2.0.

Every day, more consumers discover the convenience of shopping and banking online from their mobile devices—and they want to know their transactions are secure. Give your customers peace of mind with Sage Mobile Payments, a secure mobile payments solution available for use on more than 400 mobile devices. Sage Mobile Payments uses end-to-end encryption and meets all PCI requirements— rock-solid security credentials that most mobile payment providers can’t deliver.

Increase sales when using Sage Mobile Payments

  • Consumers today rely more on credit cards than cash or checks. Accepting credit cards enables you to close more sales and increase your revenue.
  • Anytime, anywhere transactions
  • Wherever your mobile device goes, so does your ability to accept and process credit card payments instantly.

Sage Mobile Payments is a Secure and PCI-compliant device

The Sage Mobile Payments card reader is an industry-leading, end-to-end encrypted device that eliminates electronic card skimming schemes. All transaction data is encrypted before it leaves your mobile device, so absolutely no personal information is retained.

Fast processing with Sage Mobile Payments

Real-time authorizations quickly transfer funds into your account, providing you with expedited cash flow.

Minimal cost to Sage Mobile Payments

While other vendors are fighting over no monthly fees but high processing costs, Sage is saying “no” to mobile transaction surcharges. With Sage Mobile Payments, you pay no more than you would to process regular credit or debit card transactions.

Benefits of  Sage Mobile Payments

  • Upgraded, completely. Intuitive user interface on smartphones, which makes processing payments faster and easier than ever—and added   air and color make it easy on the eye.
  • Signature capture to reassure customers that signatures are required to complete transactions; a signed receipt is available to both merchant and customer.
  • Tax and tip calculator, which automatically calculates taxes and tips for each sale.
  • Free Sage Mobile Payments application, which is now available in the Android® Marketplace and Apple® (iTunes) App Store.

Thank you for your interest in WAC Solution Partners – Palm Desert. You can reach us by calling us at 760-618-1395, or emailing at  We look forward to talking to you soon!

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